Thursday, November 10, 2011

Cure For The Cold

The weather is finally acting like it should in fall!
My friends are excited about this. Me, not so much. For my I.S. (independent study) I chose to mainly focus on sicknesses and such that come with this cold weather.

I have recently been informed of a delicious and nutritious drink called Golden Milk. It's a warm drink that has many health benefits. It's a great treat on a chilly night. It can help prevent cancer, its a treatment for heart disease, it's an anti-inflammatory and it lubricates your joints so it helps prevent and cure arthritis as well as any joint pains. There are so many more but I'll keep it short n sweet. It's nice to drink before going to bed, so I make it for my mom, dad, and I at night. I've noticed it has been helping with my growing pains. It's also been cleaning something out of my system but I'm sure you're not going to want the details on that.

Here's how to make it:

  • 1/8 tsp Turmeric
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 8oz milk (you can use almond milk, rice milk, or any kind you want. I use regular cow milk)
  • 2 tbs coconut oil (you can use almond oil, but the original recipe calls for ghee. I just use coconut oil because I LOVE coconut. The oil you use will effect the taste.)

  • In a small sauce pan combine turmeric and water, bring to a boil and stir for 8 min. remove from heat.
  • In another sauce pan combine oil and milk. bring to a boil, stirring constantly so the stuff on the bottom doesn't burn, then immediately remove from heat.
  • Add the turmeric mixture to the milk mixture and stir until the milk is completely yellow. Serve warm.


P.S. I've also heard that Golden Milk breaks up the mucus deep in the chest. This plus the fact that the warmth and oil soothes the throat means its probably good to drink when you have a cough or something of the sort.


  1. I have found this drink to be very soothing. I really like mine with almond milk.

  2. You are so right! I drank a whole lot of Golden Milk at a Yoga retreat in France and it was wonderful. I had no idea it was so easy to make. You have inspired me to start making my own.
    -Patti P

  3. Wow Emily! I'm going to try it! I'll let you know what I think . . . so cool to read your blog. Blows my mind that you are in high school and I'm sitting here learning something from you. Oh, how the tables have turned!! xoxox
